I wish I would have started this blog sooner, because in your three short years here so far you have given me the most stories to write about. I'm going to try to sum them all up in this, my first blog post dedicated to you.
When you were 15 months old, your pediatrician noticed that something was wrong with your eyes. He sent us to a specialist and he gave you glasses to correct the issue. You loved those glasses, and wore them like a champ! Here you are at 2. So cute!!
Lets see, there was the day that I learned that I could not leave a candle burning in the kitchen...you found the lighter that I had put away in a drawer, and placed it in the lit candle jar. And KABLAM! lighter exploded. I still have wax and burnt wick all over the kitchen celing. For the record, you were not injured by the blast. You had already found something else to get in to.
Then there was the time that I left you alone for what felt like two whole seconds and you emptied two sacks of flour all over the floor. Those jammies should be yellow, but you were COVERED in flour.
Then, while I was cleaning up this mess, you painted yourself head to toe with clear sparkle nail polish!!
I know there's more (petroleum jelly in the carpet, baby powder in the vents), and as things come back to me I'll add them.
Love you always,
Worlds Okayest Mom
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